Dr. Sarah Rothman presented her research on the effects of socioeconomically-aligned microclimatic differences on mosquito populations in Baltimore, MD and Washington, DC at the joint Mid-Atlantic Mosquito Control Association and Virginia Mosquito Control Association meeting in Newport News, VA.
Feburary 2025
Drs. Paul Leisnham and Sarah Rothman both attended the Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting in Long Beach, CA, where Sarah presented her research on how temperature differences along urban socioeconomic gradients affect mosquito populations.
August 2024
Congratulations to Dr. Sarah Rothman on successfully defending her dissertation and earning her Ph.D. in Environmental Science and Technology!
August 2024
Congratulations to Gabi Chen on earning her B.S. in Environmental Science and Technology! Gabi is interested in gaining some work experience before beginning graduate school. We can’t wait to see all you accomplish, Gabi!
May 2024
Congratulations to Sarah Rothman on being named a finalist for the Presidential Management Fellowship! Post-graduation, Sarah will spend two years in an appointment at a Federal agency.
February 2024
Welcome to undergraduate researcher Griffin Beckley! Griffin will be performing a variety of important research tasks for the lab, including conducting a literature review and weighing leaf samples. We’re glad to have your help!
January 2024
Congratulations to Sarah Rothman on being named a Finalist for the Presidential Management Fellowship! The PMF Program is the Federal Government's flagship leadership development program for advanced degree holders across all academic disciplines. Finalists can secure an appointment for a two-year, full-time, paid fellowship at a Federal agency.
February 2024
Dr. Paul Leisnham and Sarah Rothman both presented research at the Mid-Atlantic Mosquito Control Association Annual Meeting.
January 2024
Congratulations to Zoe Nix on earning her B.S. in Environmental Science and Technology! We’ll miss having you in the lab!
December 2023
Congratulations to Sarah Rothman on winning the Dr. Bruce A. Harrison Outstanding Student Award form the Mid-Atlantic Mosquito Control Association! As part of the award, she has been invited to present her research at the 49th Annual MAMCA Conference in January.
December 2023
Sarah Rothman presented her research at the Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting, held right here in National Harbor.
November 2023
Sarah Rothman presented her research at the Baltimore Ecosystem Study Annual Meeting in a talk titled “Detritus communities representative of socioeconomically diverse urban neighborhoods affect the outcome of competition between mosquitoes.”
October 2023
Congratulations to Sarah Rothman, who received a Love of Learning Award from The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi!
September 2023
Welcome to undergraduate researcher Josh Hilton! For his capstone project, Josh will be testing for differences in the size of Aedes albopictus and Culex pipiens mosquitoes raised on detrital resource bases representative of socioeconomically diverse city blocks.
August 2023
Sarah Rothman presented her research on the effects of socioeconomically diverse detrital resource bases on competition between Aedes albopictus and Culex pipiens mosquitoes at the Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting.
August 2023
Congratulations to Sarah Rothman for receiving a Dean’s Fellowship!
August 2023
Congratulations to Karla Branch on her excellent poster at the SOARE Poster Session and Closing Ceremony! Her work measuring wing lengths suggests that regionally-common detritus comprising white mulberry and black walnut produces more numerous and larger tiger mosquitoes. Good luck at NC A&T—we’ll miss you here at UMD!
July 2023
Congratulations to Dr. Paul Leisnham, newly appointed Chair of the Department of Environmental Science and Technology!
June 2023
Welcome to undergraduate researcher Karla Branch! Karla joins us for the summer from North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University as a UMD SOARE (Summer Opportunities in Agricultural Research and the Environment) Scholar. Karla will be testing for differences in the sizes of Aedes albopictus and Culex pipiens mosquitoes that were raised on detrital resource bases characteristic of city blocks that vary in socioeconomic status.
May 2023
Congratulations to Aubrey Tingler on earning her M.S. in Marine, Estuarine, and Environmental Science, Mary Fitzell on earning her B.S. in Environmental Science and Technology, and Narayan Spaur on earning his B.S. in Biological Sciences: Physiology & Neurobiology! Both Aubrey and Mary begin work for the federal government—Aubrey at NOAA Office of Coastal Management and Mary at USDA APHIS—while Narayan begins as a medical assistant. Wishing you all the best!
May 2023
Congratulations to Sarah Rothman on her induction to Phi Kappa Phi, the nation’s oldest and most selective multidisciplinary collegiate honor society!
April 2023
Congratulations to Sarah Rothman, who was selected to represent UMD in the Northeastern Association of Graduate School’s Three-Minute Thesis competition finals! She received an honorable mention, placing in the top five presentations.
April 2023
It was recently announced that Sarah Rothman won the Murray F. Buell Award for Excellence in Ecology for her outstanding oral paper at the 2022 ESA Annual Meeting! Her presentation, titled “Differences in plant community composition along socioeconomic gradients in Baltimore, MD and Washington, DC: Implications for Aedes albopictus and Culex pipiens mosquitoes,” was recognized amongst over 100 student competitors.
April 2023
March 2023
Congratulations to Sarah Rothman, who was offered the Ann G. Wylie Dissertation Fellowship by UMD’s Graduate School. The Wylie Fellowship will support Sarah next spring as she finishes writing her dissertation.
Congratulations to Sarah Rothman and Aubrey Tingler, who were both selected to receive the Ecological Society of America’s Katherine S. McCarter Graduate Student Policy Award! Award recipients receive communications training and learn about the federal budget and appropriations process, then meet with congressional decision-makers to discuss federal support of research and education in the biological sciences.
March 2023
Dr. Paul Leisnham and Sarah Rothman are co-authors on a new collaborative study titled “Aedes albopictus host odor preference does not drive observed variation in feeding patterns across field populations.” The results suggest that variation in reported A. albopictus feeding patterns are not driven by differences in innate host preference, but may result from differences in host availability. This work is the first to compare A. albopictus and A. aegypti host preference directly and provides insight into differential vectorial capacity and human feeding risk. Check out a figure from the paper below!
Fig. 1. This figure shows the predicted probability of choosing human for each of the colonies in: (a) the combined model, (b) the first round model, and (c) the second round model. The green colonies are Ae. albopictus derived from populations with previously reported low levels of anthropophagy, the orange colonies are Ae. albopictus from populations with previously reported high levels of anthropophagy, and the black are Ae. aegypti control colonies. The dashed grey line indicates a 0.5 probability of choosing human, the level at which a colony would be equally likely to choose human or guinea pig; above this line, the colony is more likely to choose human and below, guinea pig.
January 2023
Sarah Rothman was recognized by The Graduate School as being among the top 2% of campus Graduate Assistants, earning her an Outstanding Research Assistant Award—congratulations!
January 2023
Congratulations to Dr. Paul Leisnham and collaborator Dr. Shannon LaDeau, who were awarded a grant by the Maryland Agricultural Experiment Station to explore mosquito aquatic habitat and gut microbiota along socioeconomic gradients in Baltimore, MD and Washington DC!
December 2022
Congratulations to Annie O’Connell on completing her independent capstone research and presenting it at ENST’s poster day! She graduates with a B.S. in Environmental Science and Technology. We’ll miss you!
December 2022
Sarah Rothman presented her research at the Entomological Society of America, Entomological Society of Canada, and Entomological Society of British Columbia Joint Annual Meeting in Vancouver, Canada. Sarah won first place in the student competition of her session on Vector Biology and Management!
November 2022
Congratulations to Sarah Rothman on receiving the Bentley Holden Scholarship from the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies! She will visit the Institute this summer to work alongside Drs. Shannon LaDeau and Jane Lucas to explore differences in mosquito aquatic habitat and gut microbiota in juvenile habitat characteristic of city blocks of varying socioeconomic status.
October 2022
Congratulations to Dr. Paul Leisnham and Sarah Rothman, who collaborated with Drs. Shannon LaDeau and Jane Lucas at the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies and were granted the Lang Assael Innovation Award! The award will be used to explore whether and how mosquito microbiota reflect human socioeconomic conditions surrounding juvenile habitat.
October 2022
Congratulations to Sarah Rothman for being selected to represent University of Maryland in the International 3MT (Three Minute Thesis) competition, which challenges graduate students to explain their dissertation research in just three minutes! You can view her submission and vote for your favorite 3MT here: Voting for the People’s Choice Winner ends October 3rd.
Spetember 2022
Welcome to undergraduate researcher Zoe Nix! Zoe will be assisting with mosquito colony maintenance and lab experiments.
September 2022
Congratulations to Aubrey Tingler, who accepted the Maryland Sea Grant State Science and Policy Fellowship with the Maryland Department of the Environment! She will be working on climate resilience issues in the state with a focus on better preparing communities to respond to rapidly changing storm water challenges. She will be working on the fellowship full time while completing her Master's thesis in the lab.
August 2022
Sarah Rothman and Aubrey Tingler both presented their research at the Ecological Society of America and Canadian Society of Ecology and Evolution Joint Annual Meeting in Montreal, Canada! Sarah was also a panelist for a Dissertation and Thesis Writing Workshop that Aubrey organized and moderated on behalf of the ESA Student Section.
August 2022
Congratulations to Sarah Rothman, who was awarded two grants by The Graduate School, the Jacob K. Goldhaber Travel Grant and the International Conference Student Support Award, to present her work at the Ecological Society of America and Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution Joint Meeting in Montreal, Canada!
August 2022
Welcome to master’s student Barry Bowman and undergraduate researchers Lydia Clark and Annie O’Connell! Barry will be studying how perceptions and attitudes towards stormwater management practices affect stakeholder adoption of best management practices. Lydia will be conducting community outreach projects in partnership with Maryland Sea Grant and Annie will be researching the effects of different detritus communities on oviposition choice in Aedes albopictus.
June 2022
Congratulations to Sarah Rothman on being elected to the Graduate Association for Technology and Environmental Science Executive Board! She will serve as the Secretary.
June 2020
Congratulations to Pablo Gonzales and Rami Homsi on earning their Bachelor’s degrees! We’ll miss you both!
May 2022
Congratulations to Sarah Rothman, one of the winners of the Campus-Level Final-Round 3MT Competition! The 3MT (Three Minute Thesis) Competition challenges graduate students to explain their dissertation research in just three minutes.
April 2022
Sarah Rothman and Aubrey Tingler each presented their research at the Eastern Branch Meeting of the Entomological Society of America. Congratulations to Sarah for placing second in the PhD student presentation competition!
April 2022
March 2022
Congratulations to Sarah Rothman, one of the winners of the AGNR/BMGT/PLCY/SPHL College-Level First-Round 3MT Competition! The 3MT (Three Minute Thesis) Competition challenges graduate students to explain their dissertation research in just three minutes. She will advance to the Graduate School's Final-Round Campus-Level Three Minute Thesis Competition in April.
Congratulations to Aubrey Tingler for being selected as a finalist for the NOAA Coastal Management Fellowship! She will compete against other finalists for placement as a fellow in one of 12 partnered placement sites.
March 2022
February 2022
Sarah Rothman and Aubrey Tingler each presented their research at the Mid-Atlantic Mosquito Control Association Annual Conference.
Congratulations to Sarah Rothman for receiving a Dean’s Fellowship!
January 2022
Aubrey Tingler is a co-author on a newly published article titled “Ethical, legal, social, and economic (ELSE) implications of artificial intelligence at a global level: a scientometrics approach” in the journal AI and Ethics. Check out some results from the paper below!
Fig. 2. Future prediction of publication trend in ELSE implications of AI from 2021 to 2030. Dashed lines are the upper and lower bounds at a 95% confidence interval.
January 2022
We’re excited to have undergraduate researchers Gabi Chen, Pablo Gonzales, Rami Homsi, and Nuelle Johnson join the lab! Gabi and Nuelle will be assisting in the lab with mosquito research; Pablo and Rami will be conducting a project on green infrastructure and stormwater management involving community outreach.
January 2022
Sarah Rothman presented a talk titled “Differences in plant resources for Aedes albopictus and Culex pipiens mosquitoes along socioeconomic gradients in Baltimore, MD and Washington, DC” at the Entomological Society of America’s Annual Meeting.
November 2021
Former lab members Drs. Saunders and Villena were co-authors on a newly published article titled “Condition-Specific Competitive Effects of the Invasive Mosquito Aedes albopictus on the Resident Culex pipiens among Different Urban Container Habitats May Explain Their Coexistence in the Field” in the journal Insects. Check out some results from the paper below!
Fig. 2. Least Squares Means (+SE) for competition treatments across broad container categories and container types for (A,B) survival of C. pipiens and (C,D) mean of instar of surviving C pipiens. Means within container categories associated with the same letter are not significantly different (Bonferroni test, experimentwise α = 0.05). Different means within container types are not denoted with letters for clarity.
November 2021
Congratulations to Sarah Rothman for receiving a Dean’s Fellowship!
August 2021
Congratulations to Aubrey Tingler for being elected to the Ecological Society of America’s Student Section Executive Board! She will serve as the Social Media and Web Chair.
August 2021
Aubrey Tingler presented her research in a poster session at the Ecological Society of America’s Annual Meeting.
July 2021
Congratulations to Sarah Rothman for being certified as an Ecologist-in-Training by the Ecological Society of America!
June 2021
Congratulations to Isabella Brown-Burke on earning her B.S. in Environmental Science and Technology! We will miss you!
May 2021
Congratulations to Sarah Rothman for being elected as President of UMD’s Graduate Association for Technology and Environmental Science!
May 2021
April 2021
Welcome to undergraduate researchers Mary Fitzell and Narayan Spaur! Mary will be assisting with detritus collections in the field and rebuilding mosquito colonies for the lab. Narayan will be using PCR to test for genetic differences amongst field-caught Culex mosquitoes in order to identify them to species.
Research update!
February 2021
Thank you again to all the Baltimore, Capitol Heights, and DC residents who participated in our summer vegetation surveys! The three most common plants found in canopy surveys were:
White mulberry (Morus alba, shrub or tree, nonnative)
American elm (Ulmus americana, tree, native)
Tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima, tree, nonnative)
The three most common woody plants found in ground surveys were:
English ivy (Hedera helix, vine, nonnative)
Virginia creeper (Parthenocissus quinquefolia, vine, native)
Eastern poison ivy (Toxicodendron radicans, vine, native)
December 2020
Congratulations to Kaitlin Saunders on earning her M.S. and to Cameron Smith on earning her B.S. in Environmental Science and Technology! We wish Kaitlin luck in her new position at the EPA. We’ll miss you both!
December 2020
Sarah Rothman is the lead author of a newly published article titled “Higher West Nile Virus Infection in Aedes albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae) and Culex (Diptera: Culicidae) Mosquitoes From Lower Income Neighborhoods in Urban Baltimore, MD” in the Journal of Medical Entomology. Check out some results from the paper below!
Fig. 1. Mean minimum infection rates (MIRs ± SE) for Aedes albopictus (A) and Culex (B) for low- and medium-income neighborhoods in 2015 and 2017, and MIR for a high-income neighborhood in 2015.
September 2020
Congratulations to Sarah Rothman on her election to the Graduate Association for Technology and Environmental Science Executive Board! She will serve as the Secretary/Treasurer.
August 2020
We’re excited to welcome Aubrey Tingler to the lab as she pursues her M.S. in Marine Estuarine Environmental Science! Aubrey was awarded a Dean’s Fellowship to research the efficacy of citizen science in mosquito management.
We’re excited to have undergraduate researcher Isabella Brown-Burke assist with field work this summer! Isabella will be assisting with canopy and ground vegetation surveys in Baltimore and DC.
July 2020
May 2020
Congratulations to Maya Babu on earning her M.S. and to Meagan Collins on earning her B.S. in Environmental Science and Technology! We’ll miss you both!
February 2020
Congratulations to Sarah Rothman and Kaitlin Saunders! They were each awarded a grant by the Washington Biologists’ Field Club to support their research on mosquito ecology in Baltimore and DC.
Welcome to undergraduate researcher Meagan Collins! Meagan will be testing for differences in the sizes of female Culex mosquitoes among city blocks that vary in socioeconomic status.